Johnson County Library’s main location in Buffalo. The library completed a major renovation of the building in 2016.
Lindsey Belliveau has been named the new Director of Johnson County Library, taking the place of Steve Rzasa, who recently left the library to pursue a writing opportunity.
“I applied for this position after Steve submitted his resignation because I love our people, our libraries and our community,” Lindsey said. “The library holds a special place in my heart that is hard to describe — I know there are many of you that understand what I mean.”
Lindsey has been with Johnson County Library for just over six years. She was on staff prior to the library’s expansion, and then returned in 2019. She began at the library working in children’s services, along with circulation, linking and all the other hats you wear in a library. When Mary Rhoads retired a year and a half ago, Lindsey moved into the position of Head of the Children’s Department.
“Being considered and then offered the position of director is both an honor and a huge responsibility that I don’t take lightly,” Lindsey said. “It’s incredibly exciting as well! Our patrons are the reason we’re here and able to do this job we love so much, so I’m looking forward to continuing to grow those relationships.”
She’s been able to ease into the transition with the help of outgoing director Steve Rzasa who she said was “wonderful” during his last bit of time at the library. He still stops in and helps when questions arise. She has high praise for the employees at the library.
“Our staff in Buffalo and Kaycee are amazing,” she said. “They provide phenomenal service and programming, they’re the best at what they do! What an incredible opportunity to continue to work with everyone in a more supportive role.”
She added, “The support from the staff and our patrons is humbling. I’m looking forward to the future and all the wonderful things that will be accomplished together.”