May 1-7 is Choose Privacy Week

Mar 8, 2016

Choose Privacy Week from May 1-7, 2016 is an initiative that invites library users into a national conversation about privacy rights in a digital age. The campaign gives libraries the tools they need to educate and engage users, and gives citizens the resources to think critically and make more informed choices about their privacy.

A free webinar on “Choose Privacy Week 2016: Raising Privacy Awareness in Your Library and in Your Community” is upcoming at 10 a.m. Mountain Time on Thursday, March 24: register here.

The American Library Association (ALA) has developed a variety of resources to help libraries reach out to their communities. More information is available on the website at The site can help you learn more about what your community can do to spark thought and discussion around privacy issues. Whether you are considering creating a display, sponsoring a contest, hosting a program or workshop, or moderating a community dialogue about privacy, there are tools that can help.

Wondering where to start? Check out some of the materials for libraries here.

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