May Grant and Award Opportunities

May 13, 2024

Here is May’s roundup of grants available to libraries with deadlines in the next few months, or with rolling or ongoing deadlines.  Check back each month for an updated list!

NEH Public Impact Projects at Smaller Organizations Grants
Deadline: June 12, 2024
The NEH’s Public Impact Projects grants aim to assist small and mid-sized cultural organizations in expanding the scope, reach, and excellence of their public programs. These grants support activities such as enriching interpretive strategies, strengthening interpretive skill sets, and enhancing community engagement with public-facing programs. The program encourages organizations to consider their interpretive humanities needs or programmatic goals and how meeting these needs would benefit public audiences. Projects may involve evaluating current programming, identifying new story opportunities, implementing new programs, or providing professional development opportunities for staff and volunteers. The maximum award amount is $25,000.

Rocky Mountain Power Foundation
Deadline: June 15, 2024
The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation has four grant opportunities throughout the year.  The next opportunity is for community enhancement including: affordable housing, community resilience, community and recreation centers, economic development, libraries, monuments, memorials and science centers. Grants generally are less than $10,000 with most between $2,000 and $5,000.

Jan Stauber-Sherlock Holmes Literacy Grant
Deadline: Ongoing
The mission of the Jan Stauber Grants is to provide needed financial assistance to persons and organizations developing literacy programs and other educational experiences that will introduce young people to Sherlock Holmes. Educators or librarians can be awarded up to $1,000 for a project that encourages young people to read and introduces them to Sherlock Holmes.

Books Save Lives Grant
Deadline: Ongoing
Each Books Save Lives Grant will provide up to $5,000 per school libraryThe grant money must be used toward purchasing diverse books and the books must remain on the shelves for a minimum of three years. Applicants must nominate a school library within the United States to receive a Books Save Lives Grant. Applications may be completed anonymously. The grant must be used to purchase diverse books for school libraries. Winning libraries may select titles and quantities based on book lists provided by WNDB. We will ship the books directly to the school. Note: we will continue adding books to the lists. Winning schools must provide a signed written agreement that the books they receive via the grant will remain on shelves for a minimum of three years.

Art Resources Transfer’s Library Program
Deadline: Ongoing
This program provides free books on contemporary art to public institutions nationwide. Public libraries, public schools, prisons, and reading centers that self-define as under-served are eligible to order free books through our Library Program. Institutions can order anytime throughout the year. Books are entirely free and shipped free of charge.

The Pilcrow Foundations Children’s Book Project Program Grant
DEADLINE: Rolling The Pilcrow Foundation, a national non-profit public charity, provides a 2-to-1 match to rural public libraries that receive a grant through its Children’s Book Project and contribute $200-$400 through a local sponsors for the purchase of up to $1,200 worth (at retail value) of new, quality, hardcover children’s books. We provide a list of over 500 quality hardcover children’s books from which Children’s Book Project grant recipients can select books best suited for their community. The book list includes award-winning and star-reviewed titles from educational and literary organizations.

Wyoming Arts Council Arts Access Project Grant
The Fiscal Year 2024 Arts Access Project Grant application is now open for projects taking place July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. This grant is designed to provide arts project funding for organizations that meet any of the following four criteria: projects increasing arts access for, or primarily serving, people with disabilities; arts projects led by and/or primarily serving BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color); projects involving folk & traditional arts and artists; and organizations in rural communities with a population of less than 3000. An organization is eligible to receive up to $1000 with no match requirement.

Black Hills Corporation Community Giving
Areas of focus are arts and culture, civic and community development, education, environment, human services, and youth development. Giving limited to Black Hills Energy service areas.

BNSF Railway Foundation Grants
Supports organizations and programs that support and improve the general welfare and quality of life in the communities in which BNSF Railway Company operates. Generally, they will consider requests for funding that clearly fall within one or more of the following categories: civic services, cultural organizations, educational institutions, health and human service organizations, youth organizations, and a federally recognized tribal government.

T-Mobile Hometown Grant Program
T-Mobile is investing $25M in 500 rural towns over 5 years to jumpstart projects and build stronger communities. These grants can be used to help upgrade tech at your local library, build new hiking trails, revitalize historic buildings, and more.

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