In addition to the webinars and courses they create, WebJunction also includes quality training content from other organizations on its website. As part of the California State Library Mental Health Initiative, Infopeople hosted a webinar series, Where Compassion Meets Action. This series is now available in the WebJunction Course Catalog:
- A Trauma-Informed Lens Changes What You See
- Creating a Safe and Welcoming Space in Your Library: Working with Patrons in Crisis
- Creating Library Spaces and Programs that Nurture Teen Mental Health and Healing
- Cultural Humility in Public Libraries: Colleagues and Customers
- Engaging Your Community in Gang Prevention and Intervention
- Meeting the Needs of Those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia
- Preventing and Treating Compassion Fatigue with Self-Care
- Serving People Experiencing Homelessness at your Library
- Suicide Prevention: Basic Skills and Resources
- Veterans and Mental Health: Understanding Common Struggles and Learning How to Provide Support