National Consumer Protection Week in GoWYLD

Mar 11, 2022

Cover of latest Consumer Reports magazineAs we near the end of National Consumer Protection Week (March 6-12, 2022), we’d like to share how to find Consumer Reports and other magazines or journals through

Finding a title

There are a lot of databases in It can be difficult to locate a specific magazine or journal. However, you can use the Journals A-Z Find Full Text Coverage link under More on the page to streamline this process.

Depending on how much title information you have, use the drop down menu to select Title begins with, Title Equals, or Title contains all words. You can also search by ISSN/ISBN.

Conducting your search

For example, let’s search Consumer Reports for National Consumer Protection Week.

On the results page, Consumer Reports appears as the first item. Note that it is available in three databases. However, be sure to check the dates. In particular, “to present” if you are looking for current issues.

Select Masterfile Complete. There are a couple of things that you can do on this page:

  • Use Search within this Publication to locate a specific article or subject. For example: enter new car ratings or enter washing machine. And, it is not just things with motors. Find articles on Leafy Greens Safety Guide, student loan protection, insurance, baby food, or furniture.
  • The other option, on the far right, you can select a year and then an issue. For example, March 2022 to browse the list of articles. This issue includes, “What We’re Testing in our Labs” (iPhone, coffeepots, mattresses).


For more information, about the databases, training, or marketing materials, contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian,

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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