August 3 is National Watermelon Day, and there are many ways to enjoy it besides a cool slice and spitting seeds!
Columns in ProQuest Historical Newspapers, such as, “In From the Fields” (2001) and “The Home Kitchen” (1921) elaborate on this fruit and provide myriad ways to use it. Enjoy this summer treat and the many resources from
Select ProQuest Newspapers from the Browse by Title list. Enter search term — in this case, watermelon. Use the filters on the left to specify Historical Newspapers (under Source Type). To further narrow down your list of results (from over 330,000!) select a decade or a specific newspaper name.
Results include: “Four Ways to Make the Most of the Melon Month” (Watermelon Ice, Watermelon Jelly, Ginger Melon, Watermelon Sweet Pickles), or other articles such as, “Make Pickles from those Watermelon Rinds” and “Watermelon Makes a Pretty Pie and a Different Drink.”
From 1923, comes the following “dainties” as the article referred to their recipes:
ProQuest Historical Newspapers and many other resources may be found in — available in all Wyoming libraries and remotely with a Wyoming library card number and PIN. For more information, contact your local library or Chris Van Burgh, Database Instruction Librarian at the Wyoming State Library,