Natrona County Receives ‘Librarian at Your Service Award’

Sep 21, 2021

Natrona County Library was recently recognized for providing vital services and keeping patrons in good standing

The library was recently awarded the “Librarian at Your Service Award” from Unique Management Services. As part of a new awards program honoring libraries for their exceptional community impact, Natrona County Library is one of 17 winners in the Midwest Region (Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Wyoming). Unique Management Services created three awards to celebrate high-impact libraries for providing vital services, protecting public assets, and keeping patrons in good standing.

The “Librarian at Your Service Award” this year honors librarians and libraries who provide exceptional service, including using Unique services.

Unique honored 72 total libraries in this year’s awards across four geographic regions in three award areas, including the “Librarian at Your Service Award,” the “Defender of the Collection Award,” and the “Back in the Fold Award.”

Winners were presented with their awards earlier this month. This is the inaugural presentation of these awards, which Unique intends to continue annually to honor its partners who are making a difference in communities across the U.S.

Learn more on the Natrona County Library blog, and see the full list of winners.

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