Need Images? Here Are Some Great Free Resources

Mar 30, 2016

Reposted with permission from WebJunction

Photo from Pixabay.

Photo from Pixabay.

People are visual creatures, so a good image can go a long way toward dressing up a blog post, newsletter, or website. The good folks over at WebJunction put together this list of free images, photo editing programs, and design resources to make it easy to add that special touch to your library communications. They have graciously allowed us to repost it here:

Elk in Yellowstone National Park. From the New York Public Library.

Elk in Yellowstone National Park. From the New York Public Library.

Image Sources – Free

GIMP is free, open-source photo editing software.

GIMP is free, open-source photo editing software.

Image Editing Programs – Free

  • GIMP: open source software freely available for personal use; suitable for users accustomed to the sophistication of PhotoShop.
  • GimpShop is a modification of GIMP, which creates an interface more familiar to users of PhotoShop.
  • Microsoft Office Picture Manager is part of the Office suite of programs and has basic editing capability; find it under Microsoft Office >> Microsoft Office Tools.
  • NET for Windows
  • Google Photos
  • PicMonkey
Piktochart makes it easy to create infographics, such as this one for the Wyoming Library Endowment Challenge.

Piktochart makes it easy to create infographics, such as this one for the Wyoming Library Endowment Challenge.

Design Resources

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