News in Brief

Aug 9, 2019

Registration Open for NMLA/MPLA Joint Conference
Registration is now open for the New Mexico Library Association/Mountain Plains Library Association joint conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 30 to November 1. The Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) is a twelve state association of librarians, library paraprofessionals and friends of libraries in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Its purpose is to promote the development of librarians and libraries by providing significant educational and networking opportunities.

Celebrate National Immunization Awareness Month with New Library Program Kit
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Libraries can access a free and ready-to-use program kit for this observance from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. The program kit includes helpful guides, activity plans, promotional materials, and health information resources your library can use to promote awareness on the importance of immunization in your community.

Project READY: Free Online Racial Equity Curriculum
The Project READY curriculum is a series of free, online, self-paced professional development modules for school and public youth services librarians, library administrators, and others. Project READY is for anyone interested in improving their knowledge about race, racism, and racial equity, and interested in improving relationships with, services to, and resources for youth of color and Native youth through inclusive environments and programs.

ALA urges LinkedIn Learning to Reconsider Changes to Terms of Service
LinkedIn Learning — formerly, a platform used by libraries to provide online learning opportunities to library users — plans to make substantial changes to its terms of service that would significantly impair library users’ privacy rights. Under LinkedIn Learning’s new terms of service, a library cardholder will need to create a LinkedIn profile in order to access LinkedIn Learning. ALA’s Library Bill of Rights and its interpretations maintain that all library users have the right to access library resources without disclosing their personally identifiable information (PII) to third parties.

Confronting White Nationalism in Schools Toolkit
This toolkit, published by the Western States Center in Portland, Oregon, shares strategies to counter white nationalist organizing through sample scenarios that schools frequently encounter. Whether a student has been found passing out white nationalist flyers or buttons on school property, or more actively advocating for a “white pride” student group, the toolkit offers advice for parents, students, teachers, school administrators, and the wider community.

Keep up With the Latest Privacy News
The freedom to read and receive ideas anonymously is at the heart of individual liberty in a democracy. Librarians defend that freedom every day. The American Library Association encourages you to “Choose Privacy Every Day” and provides a blog with the latest links and articles.


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