News in Brief

Sep 5, 2019

United for Libraries Program Submissions for 2020 ALA Annual Conference Due September 10
For the next American Library Association Annual Conference (June 25-30, 2020 in Chicago) United for Libraries would like to provide programs for all member categories: Trustees, Foundations, and Friends. They are currently seeking program proposals for one-hour educational sessions on topics relevant to the library profession. Submissions are open to anyone, regardless of ALA membership status. The deadline for submissions is September 10. See the tip sheet on submitting programs. Questions may be directed to

September is National Service Dog Awareness Month
In the world of libraries, questions about service dogs are increasingly common. The growing popularity and visibility of support and companion animals has led to significant interest about how trained animals can help those living with disabilities. Luckily, the Association of Specialized Government and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASGCLA), a division of ALA, has a newly updated toolkit designed to help you create a more welcoming and accessible library environment for visitors with service dogs.

Save the Date for Big Talk from Small Libraries
The next Big Talk from Small Libraries 2020 will be held on Friday, February 28, 2020. This is a free, online conference focused on small libraries. The call for speakers will be announced soon.

Revised and New Intellectual Freedom Policies and Resources Available from ALA, IFC
In anticipation of a new edition of the Intellectual Freedom Manual, the Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) revised several existing interpretations and resources and created new policies, guidelines and resources to address emerging intellectual freedom issues for the profession. These resources were approved at the 2019 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. and are now available online.

Resources for Going Fine-Free
Is your library considering eliminating fines for materials returned late? Find supporting materials for eliminating fines and a ready-made infographic template to make the case from the Colorado State Library.

ALA Releases Findings from National Study of Library Public Programming
The American Library Association (ALA) has released a report outlining the findings of an intensive research study that explored the characteristics, audiences, outcomes and value of U.S. library programming, as well as the competencies required to succeed in the field.  The report, “National Impact of Library Public Programs Assessment: Phase 1: A White Paper on the Dimensions of Library Programs and the Skills and Training for Library Program Professionals,” is the result of a two-year project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Library professionals and others are invited to read and share feedback on the white paper at


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