News in Brief

Oct 19, 2018

ARSL 2018 Conference Presentations Now Online
The Association for Rural & Small Libraries (ARSL) held its annual conference in Springfield, Illinois, in September. Presentation slides and other materials are now available on the ARSL website.

American Library Association 2019 Midwinter Registration is Now Open
The 2019 ALA Midwinter symposium is now open for registration! The conference will take place in Seattle, Washington from January 25-29. This year’s symposium will be focusing on the future of libraries, where participants will examine the future of academic, public school, and special libraries. The conference will reflect the trends that are inspiring innovation in libraries and how they will be able to adapt to the evolving needs of their communities.

ALA Resources Available for Libraries and the 2020 Census
To best position libraries to support our communities in the 2020 Census, the American Library Association is engaging with the Census Bureau and other stakeholders to ensure that libraries are informed and represented in the policy discussions and planning process. ALA is advocating for a fair, accurate, and inclusive Census that recognizes the roles libraries will play in this vital civic effort.

Take the National Geographic GeoChallenge
The GeoChallenge is an annual themed and standards-based competition from the National Geographic Society that challenges students in grades five through eight across the United States to develop a creative solution to a real-world problem. Students form teams and respond to a problem, challenge, or critical issue by using research, collaboration, creativity, and communication to create and present real-world solutions. Teams with the best projects can advance to the regional and national levels. Participants must register to receive the program materials. Registration is now live!

Activate, Collaborate, and Educate: Health Outreach and Programming in Your Community
Register for the Activate, Collaborate, and Educate: Health Outreach and Programming in Your Community course and learn how to  introduce your community members to resources from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and other trustworthy organizations in exciting and engaging ways. This course will give participants the ability to plan a potential health outreach or health program for their organization and to effectively provide NLM resources that are relevant to health needs of their community.

Explore NASA Records Online from the National Archives
Happy 60th anniversary, NASA! On October 1, 1958 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration officially opened its doors for business after Congress passed legislation creating a civilian agency to coordinate U.S. activities in space. In celebration of NASA’s anniversary, the National Archives invites you to explore their holdings online to discover the fascinating story of the creation of this agency and the story of space exploration.

National Writing Contest Launches to Engage Communities with Literature
The Public Library Association (PLA) today announced a new national writing contest that aims to build on the rich legacy of these vital community institutions.
The contest invites writers of all backgrounds to submit short stories on the theme of courage. Winners can receive up to $1,000 and have the opportunity to be published in Short Story Dispensers—ATM-like kiosks that print short stories in a range of genres—around the world.

Reading Motivation Examined in New School Library Research Article
New research published in the American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL) peer-reviewed online journal, School Library Research (SLR), reports the findings of two case studies focused on student reading motivation. SLR promotes and publishes high-quality original research concerning the management, implementation and evaluation of school library programs. Articles can be accessed for free at

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