Counting Down with #19Suffrage Stories: 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment
To mark the centennial of the 19th Amendment, the Library of Congress, Smithsonian and National Archives are collaborating to bring the story of women’s suffrage to you on social media. Until August 26, you can follow weekday posts to learn voting-rights history drawn from all three institutions’ collections. You can also use their set of animated social media GIFs and Instagram stickers on your social media posts to mark the centennial.
ARSL 2020 Virtual Conference Registration Now Open
The Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) will hold its 2020 virtual conference, “SOAR with Libraries: Sharing Our Amazing Resources,” from September 28 to October 2. They plan a full schedule of professional development, networking, and socializing. Registration is $50 for members, $65 for non-members, with group rates available. A special $25 rate is offered for advocates — trustees, friends, and foundations.
ABOS Virtual Conference Registration to Open August 10
The Association for Bookmobile & Outreach Services (ABOS) will holds its 2020 virtual conference October 13-16. The conference will include educational programs, networking, access to vendors and sponsors, virtual tours and more. Registration is $79 with a group discount available.
School Library Journal Day of Dialog to be Free and Online
SLJ’s Day of Dialog will be held on October 15, 2020 — free and online. This is a daylong program of author panels, in-depth conversations, and keynote talks. Attendees will hear about the latest and most exciting forthcoming titles for children, tweens, and teens and engage in Q&A sessions with authors and illustrators. Other features include a virtual exhibit hall, author chats, digital galleys and other free resources.
Celebrate National Voter Registration Day September 22
Started in 2012, National Voter Registration Day is celebrated every third Tuesday of September as an effort to spread awareness about voter registration opportunities and reach voters who might not otherwise register.
ALSC Resources for Youth Media Mentorship
COVID-19 and subsequent shelter-in-place orders around the country triggered a rise in the use of digital media by children & families. The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) has compiled resources to support children’s library professionals serving as youth media mentors.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month
With vaccines being in the headlines recently, it is likely many of your library patrons are wondering if they, their children, or family members are up to date on their shots. The Network of the National Library of Medicine has a program kit, social media materials, webinar and more for you to promote National Immunization Awareness Month to your patrons.
Free Programs from Covia for Seniors at Home
Covia offers a slate of free online and phone programs such as book discussions, travel programs (like one about a road trip in the Rocky Mountain region), foreign language learning opportunities (beginning German, Spanish, English as a Second Language), cancer and diabetes support groups, trivia programs, risk and red flags for elder abuse, meditation programs, LGBTQ chat, and more. All programs can be accessed for free from home.
AASL Announces Best Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning
The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has released its inaugural list of Best Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning. Best Digital Tools combines the previously separate lists of Best Apps and Best Websites for Teaching & Learning. The new list follows the evolution of technology as websites develop apps and resources are produced which are not easily classified in either platform. The list can be found at
Rural Community Toolbox: Funding and Tools to Build Healthy Drug-Free Rural Communities
This toolbox was created by the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s Rural Opioid Federal Interagency Working Group. This comprehensive toolbox provides information about grant funding for drug-free rural communities, resources for treatment and services for individuals, community assessment resources, a rural community action guide, and information resources for community agencies and organizations addressing substance use disorders. Information included in the for toolbox is provided by SAMHSA, Indian Health Service, NIDA, and other federal departments and agencies.\
National Book Festival Full Author Lineup Announced
The 2020 Library of Congress National Book Festival will connect with audiences across the country for an interactive, online celebration of “American Ingenuity” for the festival’s 20th year, featuring new books by more than 120 of the nation’s most-renowned writers, poets and artists. During the weekend of September 25-27, virtual stages at will offer on-demand videos, live author chats and discussions, options to personalize your own journey through the festival with particular themes, and book buying possibilities.
Minerva’s Kaleidoscope: Just for Kids and Families
The Library of Congress has a new blog, Minerva’s Kaleidoscope, designed for children and families. Named for the Roman goddess of wisdom, it’s a source for parents and caregivers to find materials to spark kids’ imaginations and to get updates on programs at the Library. The blog is led by the Informal Learning Office, a new effort whose mission is to connect kids, families and teens to the collections and resources of the Library and to inspire them to use the Library for their own creative purposes.