News in Brief

Apr 5, 2021

Library Giving Day Takes Place April 7
#LibraryGivingDay is a one-day fundraising event with the goal of encouraging people who depend on and enjoy public libraries to donate to their individual library system. And in turn, that support will go toward the incredible programs, services and materials provided by local libraries all over the country. This year the day to celebrate #LibraryGivingDay is Wednesday, April 7.

Virtual Money Smart Week, April 10-17, Focuses on Pandemic
The pandemic and the ensuing financial crisis had a devastating impact on low- and moderate-income communities, underscoring the need for sound financial management. During Money Smart Week, April 10-17, online programs will feature financial programming for communities hurting the most.

Financial Literacy in Public Libraries: A Guide for Building Collections
This guide was created by the ALA Office of Research & Evaluation, and funded by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. This guide lists materials and resources about personal finance suitable for public libraries. It helps address gaps within the personal finance collections of public libraries and enhance financial capability in the community.

Pokémon Webinar First in New Professional Development Series
The American Library Association Games and Gaming Round Table (GameRT)
GameRT plans to host a series of new webinars that focus on games in libraries. From programming and collections to archiving to game design, these webinars will bring colleagues and industry experts together to offer insight and resources to library staff interested in games. The first is Pokémon Programming at the Library on Thursday, April 22, at 11:00 a.m. MDT. Register here.

Tax Day 101: Resources for Fielding Questions from Entrepreneurs
As we approach this year’s tax deadline of May 17, libraries may find themselves fielding questions from entrepreneurs. ALA’s Financial Literacy Interest Group has put together a list of resources to help.

Consumer FAQ for Emergency Broadband Benefit
The FCC posted a new consumer FAQ on the Emergency Broadband Benefit. The FAQ provides answers to common questions on benefit eligibility, how the discount will be applied to broadband service costs, and program length. It also includes information on the enhanced Tribal benefit and the connected device benefit. A section on enrollment will be added once the program’s official start date is announced.

AASL Releases Position Statement on School Library Supervisors
With its new position statement, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) declares that a qualified, district-level school library supervisor is a fundamental component of college, career, and community readiness for students in PreK–12 education. The full statement, including definitions, references, and recommended reading list, is available for download on the AASL website.

Toolkit for Creating Smart Spaces from WebJunction
WebJunction offers a toolkit to help you re-envision your library’s place as a center of community learning. Get ideas to reconfigure your physical space and reimagine your services to promote active and participatory learning. These resources were developed to guide small and rural libraries through a transformation process in the Small Libraries Create Smart Spaces program, but they are valuable for libraries of any size.

Busting the Three Biggest Myths About Library Advocacy
Many people associate advocacy with lobbying — a full-time job in which one cultivates personal relationships with lawmakers and officials to make or defend key lines in laws, regulations, budgets, and other decisions. To many who work in libraries, this can seem daunting. However, as is usually the case with stereotypes, this one is far from accurate. This article debunks the three “big myths” of library advocacy.

Big Talk From Small Libraries 2021 Recordings Now Available
If you missed Big Talk From Small Libraries this year, recordings of all sessions are now available. This free one-day online conference is aimed at librarians from small libraries Each of our speakers is from a library serving fewer than 10,000 people, or directly works with small libraries.

Are You Ready to Learn About Surveys?
Want to learn more about conducting surveys? Surveys are a common way of collecting data (primarily quantitative) because they efficiently reach a large number of people, are anonymous, and tend to be less expensive and time-intensive than other data collection methods. Library Research Service offers details on how to conduct them.

ALSC Creates Intellectual Freedom Programming Toolkit
ALSC’s Intellectual Freedom committee has announced the launch of its Intellectual Freedom Programming Toolkit. Over the past two years, the committee has created a series of blog posts that incorporate information literacy and intellectual freedom concepts into standing, everyday library programs.  The new toolkit builds off of this work. Inside the toolkit, you will find practical, easy-to-implement tips for incorporating intellectual freedom and Information literacy into library cornerstone programs and services.

Online Conference: Reinventing Libraries for a Post-COVID World
The second Library 2.021 mini-conference, “Reinventing Libraries for a Post-COVID World,” will be held online (and for free) on Thursday, June 17, 2021. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, librarians have been faced with all manner of challenges as they have worked to bring their service, resources, and events into the virtual realm. This event will discuss the ways librarians have adapted and evolved their service offerings for a post COVID world.

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