News in Brief

Dec 14, 2018

Big Talk from Small Libraries Call for Speakers
This free one-day online conference aimed at librarians from small libraries is looking for speakers from small libraries or speakers who directly work with small libraries. Small libraries of all types—public, academic, school, museum, special, etc.—are encouraged to submit a proposal. by January 18, 2019 for the February 22 online conference. Big Talk From Small Libraries gives you the opportunity to share what you’ve done, while learning what your colleagues in other small libraries are doing.

OIF Seeks Censorship Information from 2018
The ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) is seeking information on challenges and censorship incidents that occurred in 2018 in libraries, schools and universities. Library workers, educators and community members are encouraged to submit reports to OIF by Dec. 31, 2018. Reports will help OIF identify censorship trends, craft resources, and provide updated information for the annually published Top 10 Most Challenged Books data.

Teens’ Social Media Habits and Experiences
Amid growing concern over social media’s impact and influence on today’s youth, a new Pew Research Center survey of U.S. teens finds that many young people acknowledge the unique challenges – and benefits – of growing up in the digital age. Teens credit social media for helping to build stronger friendships and exposing them to a more diverse world, but they express concern that these sites lead to drama and social pressure

Digital Privacy & Security in the Library
This new resource offers tools, tactics, and resources to prepare and inspire public library staff  to provide information on data privacy and online security to their patrons. Seven online training modules feature core concepts: Digital safety in the library context; How information travels across the internet, and how it can be intercepted; The entities that have vested interest in intercepting your information; Securing accounts and devices; Connecting to the internet securely; Preventing tracking; Avoiding spam and malware; and Minimizing your digital footprint.

More Smart Spaces Coming Soon
OCLC has received a supplemental IMLS grant that will allow the next iteration of the WebJunction program Small Libraries Create Smart Spaces. The original program led 15 small and rural public libraries from across the country to reimagine and reconfigure their libraries. The supplemental funding provides the same opportunity to 15 more libraries. The application process will open in January 2019.

New Year, New You from the NIH
Did you know the National Institutes of Health has a variety of online wellness toolkits? As you think ahead to the new year, use these tools to find ways to improve your well-being in any area you’d like. Explore your emotional health, your stress adaptability, your physical health, your relationships, and how to protect yourself from disease.

Opioid Resources from the Centers for Disease Control
Through its Emergency Partners Information Connection (EPIC) Program, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has supplied educational resources for public libraries to use. This collection of printable posters, handouts, and graphics is intended to help libraries raise awareness about opioids with members of the community.

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