News in Brief

Jul 1, 2022

Graphic of a "Wyoming State Library" newspaper with "News in Brief" headlineLearn Free with the Goodwill Community Foundation
The Goodwill Community Foundation offers a program called GCF that creates and provides quality online learning opportunities for anyone who wants to improve their technology, literacy, or math skills. Including more than 1,000 different lessons covering more than 90 topics, this is a great, free resource to help your patrons or staff learn new skills.

Toolkit Can Help in Creating Library Programs for Veterans
The Libraries & Veterans National Forum Toolkit is intended to make it easier for librarians to support the veteran and military-affiliated communities, whether they are just getting started with this work or have long-standing programs. The Toolkit contains ideas for programs, services, exhibits, and other resources contributed by experienced librarians from all types of libraries.

New Guidance Issued Regarding Mental Health and FMLA
The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Wage and Hour Division (WHD) has taken steps to clarify applicable laws that would enable employees to take time off work to address either their own or a family member’s mental health conditions. Near the end of May, the DOL-WHD issued Fact Sheet #28O and a related Frequently Asked Questions.

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