News in Brief

Nov 20, 2023

standing graphicPark County Launches Clickable History Map
The Park County Archives has launched Wyoming’s first GIS searchable database that links hundreds of historic photos and information from an interactive online map. The project uses geographic information systems technology to map out historic places in the county. Clicking on the different icons on each map will reveal information and photos about the places from the county’s archives.

Respond Now to the 2023 Public Library Technology Survey
The Public Library Association (PLA) is currently fielding the 2023 Public Library Technology Survey. It seeks to understand the current and emerging trends in public library technology resources, training, infrastructure, staff support, and budgets. Share the current technology resources, infrastructure, and programming offered at your library by December 16.

Registration Open for the 2024 Public Library Association (PLA) Conference
Registration is open for the biennial PLA conference, which will be held in Columbus, Ohio, from April 3-5, 2024 The conference offers more than 100 education sessions, inspiring speakers and authors, engaging
networking opportunities, career services, micro-learning moments, and an exhibit hall featuring the latest in products, services, and innovations. Early bird discount ends January 12.

Digital Collection of Colorado-based Japanese American Newspapers
The Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection has made multiple additions to their digitized newspapers, making it the largest online collection of Japanese newspapers published in Colorado. These newspapers along with the Granada incarnation camp newspapers, also included in CHNC, provide a unique look into Japanese immigration, incarceration and community life in Colorado from 1911 to 2007  – nearly 100 years.


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