News in Brief

May 9, 2019

Apply for Future Ready with the Library Cohort 4
ALA’s Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries will work with library staff to build needed skills while also developing, testing and refining turn-key resources, which other libraries can adapt for their own use. The project is aimed at school, public, and college library staff in libraries with a service population of 15,000 or fewer, as well as libraries that are 25 miles or more from an urbanized area. Application deadline May 19.

Big Talk From Small Libraries Recordings Available
Recordings of all 2019 Big Talk From Small Libraries sessions are now available. This online conference is held annually as a free, one-day event aimed at librarians from small libraries. Speakers are from a libraries serving fewer than 10,000 people, or they work with small libraries. Topics range from technology to programming to new roles for the library.

Getting Beyond the Survey to Discover Your Community Needs
There are a variety of tools that use more open-ended, interactive, and often more visual approaches to elicit more innovative thinking than a survey. The purpose is multi-faceted: to uncover characteristics and connections with community members; to start a conversation that will continue past any specific project; to raise the visibility of the library and staff outside of the library building; and to alter the community’s perceptions of what the library is and can be. Learn more from WebJunction.

On-Demand Webinars Help You Build Support for Your Library
EveryLibrary Institute has created a series of pre-recorded webinars covering a wide range of topics and subject areas around politics and library funding. Their introductory series of webinars are offered for free; more advanced webinars will have a cost associated with them.

ABOS Seeking Conference Program Proposals
The Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS) is looking for submissions for program presenters for the 2019 ABOS Conference, “On the Road | Out of the Box,” in Omaha, Nebraska, October 23-25. Past programs have focused on topics in children and teen services, senior services, underserved populations, outreach from the ground up, outreach on wheels, and community engagement and collaboration. Program proposals accepted through May 20.

MPLA Seeking Conference Program Proposals
The Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) is a twelve state association of librarians, library paraprofessionals and friends of libraries in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. This October 31st – November 2nd, the conference will be held in partnership with the New Mexico Library Association in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Submission deadline is June 15.

Talking With Your Doctor Presentation Toolkit
To help your older patrons make the most of their medical appointments, take a look at the Talking With Your Doctor Presentation Toolkit from the National Institute on Aging. This “program in a box” includes a PowerPoint presentation, speaker script and notes, presentation handouts, tips for preparing for the presentation, a “Talking with Your Doctor” video, and a promotional flyer.

Register Now for YALSA’s 2019 YA Services Symposium
YALSA’s 2019 YA Services Symposium takes place November 1-3 in Memphis, Tennessee with the theme, “Show Up and Advocate: Supporting Teens in the Face of Adversity.” Anyone with an interest in young adult services is welcome to attend.

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