Nominations Now Open for 2023-24 Wyoming Book Awards

Jan 9, 2023

Black and white logo says "Wyoming Book Awards" with prize ribbonThe Wyoming Book Awards committees are now accepting nominations from K-12 students for the 2023-2024 awards list. The purpose of these awards is to provide an opportunity for the youth of Wyoming to read and select favorite books and to honor the authors of those books.

School and public librarians are invited to solicit nominations from students and patrons and submit them using these forms:

Nominations for next year’s lists will be accepted until March 1, 2023.

The awards lists are only as excellent as the nominations, so please spread the word! You can nominate up to 10 titles at a time, and fill out the form as many times as needed. It’s very helpful to the committees when you submit nominations as you receive them; it helps the members keep up with the amount of reading they need to do.

The Wyoming Library Association and the Wyoming State Literacy Association jointly sponsor these awards. For more information, contact Melissa Snider, Wyoming Book Awards Advisor, at

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