Nominations Open for WLA Outstanding Library Award

Apr 17, 2017

Outstanding libraries = happy patrons!
(Photo from Niobrara County Library.)

Nominate a deserving library now for the Wyoming Library Association (WLA) Outstanding Library Award.

This award was created in 2016, based on numerous past awards that recognized the great work libraries do through technology, special projects, programs, and more. The award is given for a significant special project completed within the last two years. The staff, library board, and the community or people served shall all be involved in the work for which recognition is sought.

To nominate an outstanding Wyoming library, visit the WLA website and click on the banner for “Nominations are Open.” Here you’ll find the requirements and criteria. Follow the instructions for this, or any other award nomination you wish to make. Deadline is May 15.

Questions? Contact Anna Veinbergs at

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