Nominations Sought for Top Ten Wyoming Artifacts of 2017

Jan 30, 2017

The Wyoming State Historical Society, in partnership with the University of Wyoming Libraries, invites museums, historical societies, libraries and other cultural institutions to participate in “Wyoming’s Most Significant Artifacts” campaign for 2017. Only artifacts held by institutions will be considered, not those held by individuals.

An artifact is defined as “an artistic or historic item (or related group of items) and may include a wide variety of things such as documents, books, photographs, recordings, artwork, and three-dimensional objects.  It does not include structures or buildings.”

Representatives of Wyoming’s archives, historical societies, libraries and museums across the state are invited to submit a nomination for one item from their collections that they believe has significance to Wyoming’s history. An independent panel of judges will review the initial nominations and narrow the submissions down to 25 items. The public will then have the opportunity to vote for their favorite top ten artifacts.

Nominations may be submitted using the online nomination form.

All submissions must be received on or before February 28, 2017 and must include a photograph suitable for publication on a website. E-mail Society headquarters at, or call (307) 322-3014 for details.

Public voting for the Top Ten Historical Artifacts will begin in April 2017, with winners announced at the Society’s annual meeting in Cody this September.

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