Wyoming First Lady Carol Mead
First Lady Carol Mead and the University of Wyoming Literacy Research Center and Clinic (LRCC) are seeking applications for the third annual Wyoming First Lady’s Leaders in Literacy Award, which will be presented in November at the Wyoming Business Alliance Forum in Cheyenne.
Each year, the LRCC Outreach Advisory Board selects a winner based on a nomination process. The winner receives $4000 and a plaque recognizing the honor. This year, the award will be presented in November in Cheyenne. Nominations will be accepted through October 1, 2018.
Any Wyoming citizen, organization, business or community may be a Wyoming First Lady’s Leader in Literacy Award nominee. Accomplishments that are noted should reflect substantial contributions made in Wyoming that exemplify a commitment to the literacy development of Wyoming citizens.
More information about the award and the nomination process, including criteria and a link to the online submission form, can be found on the LRCC website.