Online Conferences and Events in May

May 1, 2023

Online Conferences standing graphicEach month we post upcoming free virtual conferences to our training calendar. Here are the offerings coming up for May.

Thursday, May 4 (7-3:30 pm)
Library Journal Day of Dialog 2023 Spring (Library Journal)
For more than two decades, Library Journal’s Day of Dialog has been the most anticipated librarian-only gathering of the year. Now it’s gone digital and is free to attend! Once again, you’ll hear from top authors in genre fiction, literary fiction, and nonfiction. And you still get to dialog by visiting virtual booths, talking with authors, and networking with colleagues.

Thursday, May 18 (7-4 pm)
School Library Journal Day of Dialog 2023 Spring (School Library Journal)
Join us May 18 for SLJ Day of Dialog, the most anticipated librarian gathering of the spring 2023 publishing season—fully virtual and free to attend! Our daylong program of author panels, in-depth conversations, and keynote talks will leave you informed, inspired, and entertained. Come hear about the hottest forthcoming titles for children, tweens, and teens, from nonfiction and romance to picture books and graphic novels. You can also visit the virtual exhibit hall to network with leading publishers, enjoy intimate author chats, and download digital galleys and other free resources.

Tuesday, May 23 and Thursday, May 25 (2-4 pm)
A Tale of Two Archives: Digital Records Management in Oregon and Wyoming (National Historical Publications & Records Commission, Wyoming State Archives, and the Oregon State Archives)
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Wyoming State Archives digital archives program, Wyoming is collaborating with the Oregon State Archives to bring you a digital records management workshop with presenters from both institutions with a special presentation from Alejandra Robinson, WY SHRAB member and Public Relations Director and Archives Manager for the Eastern Shoshone Tribe, on considerations for working with tribal nations records.

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