Each month we post upcoming free virtual conferences to our training calendar. Here are the offerings coming up for October.
Oct 6 (7-4 pm)
School Library Journal Day of Dialog 2022 Fall (School Library Journal)
Do you love authors and hearing about their creative process? Do you live to add books to your TBR pile and library? Skip the travel, and join us October 6 for the most anticipated librarian gathering of the fall 2022 publishing season—fully virtual and free to attend! Our daylong program of author panels, in-depth conversations, and keynote talks will leave you informed, inspired, and entertained. Come hear about the hottest forthcoming titles for children, tweens, and teens, from nonfiction and romance to picture books and graphic novels. You can also visit the virtual exhibit hall to network with leading publishers, enjoy intimate author chats, and download digital galleys and other free resources.
Oct 15 (9-11 am)
Future Ready Librarians® October Summit (All4Ed/Future Ready Librarians)
The Future Ready Librarians® summit is a FREE, live, virtual, interactive, high-quality professional learning experience for librarians interested in learning, growing, and expanding their professional practice through collaboration and networking with like-minded colleagues from across the country. This interactive online event will help librarians ground their practice in the research-based Future Ready Librarians® Framework and define new ways in which they can lead, teach, and support learning in their schools. Leveraging the active Future Ready Librarians® community, the live summit is designed around authentic problems of practice identified by librarians.
Oct 20 (7-4 pm)
Library Journal Day of Dialog 2022 Fall
For more than two decades, Library Journal’s Day of Dialog has been the most anticipated librarian-only gathering of the year. Now it’s gone digital and is free to attend! Once again, you’ll hear from top authors in genre fiction, literary fiction, and nonfiction. And you still get to dialog by visiting virtual booths, talking with authors, and networking with colleagues.
Oct 20 (1-5 pm) and Oct 21 (10-2 pm)
PNC/MLA 2022 Virtual Conference (Pacific Northwest Chapter of MLA)
Keynote Speaker Alison Macrina, Founder and Executive Director of the Library Freedom Project, will discuss “Health Data Privacy, Patient’s Rights, and Social Justice. A schedule is available on the PNC/MLA website.