Each month we post upcoming free virtual conferences to our training calendar page. Here are the offerings coming up for October:
Thursday, Oct 7 (7-4 pm)
School Library Journal Day of Dialog (School Library Journal)
This daylong program of author panels, in-depth conversations, and keynote talks will keep you informed, inspired, and entertained, and provide insight into industry trends as you work to grow and diversify your collections. Come hear about the latest and most exciting forthcoming titles for children, tweens, and teens, from picture books and nonfiction to graphic novels and YA and engage in Q&A sessions with authors and illustrators. There will also be opportunities to visit the virtual exhibit hall.
Thursday, Oct 21 (1-4 pm)
Libraries as Community Anchors (Library 2.021)
In light of the recent Covid-19 pandemic and other natural disasters such as floods, drought, firestorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes, universal access to the internet has never been more important. Libraries increasingly have an important role to play: as second responders in large scale events via the development and deployment of collaborative connectivity projects; in developing strategies to bridge technological digital divides; and to promote digital access, equity, opportunity, and inclusion.
Thursday, Oct 21 (7:30-3 pm)
Don’t Call It a Comeback: Libraries @ the Center of Community Recovery (Library Journal)
Join Library Journal for a free, daylong virtual event to hear from public library leaders and staff who are reinventing their services and building on their best COVID-inspired innovations to better connect with and serve patrons and help their communities recover.
Thursday, Oct 28 (7-3 pm)
SLJ Summit: In Community (School Library Journal)
Beyond geography, community can mean a lot of things. We all work and live in the context of community, and the fact of our interdependence—how all aspects of our lives, our very fates, rely on how we function together—has never been made more apparent than in our shared experience of the pandemic.