Online Training ‘At Your Leisure’

Jan 3, 2020

In addition to the live webinars in our training calendar, each month we try to pick some videos out there that you can watch “At Your Leisure.” These on-demand offerings caught our attention for January:

One Book Wyoming 2019: Ernest Hemingway and Performance of Self (Wyoming State Library)
Hear presenter Charles Fournier discuss Hemingway’s sense of Performance in his writing. This is a video discussion for One Book Wyoming 2019.

Dyslexia (WY Lit)
Join the non-profit WY Lit as they provide general information about dyslexia.

Fundamentals of Library Advocacy (EveryLibrary)
The goal of this webinar is to introduce the tools needed to develop in order to identify, cultivate, and empower your local activists to take action for libraries. We’ll show you what you need to do in your community in order to start to use those tools to build the real political power that you need in order to engage and influence community leaders.

Planning a Palooza: Creating Collaborative Training Opportunities for Library Staff (Infopeople)
In this webinar, the planners and organizers of the library staff training palooza share how this model can be implemented to create a collaborative training experience for library staff. They describe the foundations of planning a palooza including location and scalability, format and intended outcomes, and how to go about inviting presenters to be part of the training event. Presenters will cover step-by-step how to go about implementing a palooza, gathering supplies and preparing the space.

Choosing a Funding Opportunity for FY2020 (Institute of Museum and Library Services)
This is a general presentation designed to help you decide which museum funding opportunity is most likely to be the best fit for your project idea and your institution. We recommend that you view this presentation before participating in or viewing a program-specific webinar.

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