Online Training ‘At Your Leisure’

Mar 3, 2020

In addition to the live webinars in our training calendar, each month we try to pick some videos out there that you can watch “At Your Leisure.” These on-demand offerings caught our attention for March:


One Book Wyoming 2019: Ernest Hemingway and War
(Wyoming State Library)
Hear presenter Charles Fournier discuss the theme of War in Ernest Hemingway’s life and work. This is a video discussion for One Book Wyoming 2019.

Connections Summit: Director’s Edition, Academic Libraries Day
Connections Summit is a free, online conference for all library directors, worldwide — even those who are not customers of SirsiDynix.

Help Them Fund Your School Library
(EveryLibrary Institute)
In this free ISTE School Librarians / EveryLibrary webinar, learn easy to adapt techniques to frame the work you do and the program you run for budget success.

Writing Boxes: Library programming that will inspire writing and support literacy and family engagement
In this how-to webinar, presenter Lisa Von Drasek will describe Writing Boxes, an “instant’’ program template that requires very little prep, is easily replicable, inexpensive, works across age groupings, and supports increased literacy and community engagement.

Confessions of a Recovering Micromanager
(TED Talks)
“If we know that micromanagement isn’t really effective, why do we do it?” asks entrepreneur Chieh Huang. In a funny talk packed with wisdom and humility, Huang shares the cure for micromanagement madness — and how to foster innovation and happiness at work.

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