Online Training At Your Leisure

Jun 6, 2018

Learning Express Library’s Job & Career Accelerator is our featured GoWYLD database of the month, and we’ve recorded a 16-minute video to watch at your leisure. With Job & Career Accelerator, you can explore occupations, find a career match, create a resume, and many more tools to find a job or college.

Other At Your Leisure offerings we’re featuring in June:

In Depth with the New AASL Standards, Part V: Explore (Wyoming State Library) Jennisen Lucas, Wyoming school librarian and AASL Standards Implementation Chair, takes us on an in depth tour of the new AASL standards. This archived webinar is on the Shared Foundation, “Explore.”

The Opioid Epidemic and Libraries—Challenges, Resources, and More (American Libraries) The opioid epidemic has sunk its teeth into communities all over the United States, and many libraries are finding themselves caught right in the middle. This crisis creates a variety of issues for librarians—we find ourselves faced with security questions, questions about treatment, questions about community resources, and even medical questions. It can be tough to know how to address these issues and where to begin.

12 Keys to Successful Digital Content Promotion (American Libraries) In this free 60-minute webinar, you will learn the details of promotional campaigns that have worked in two libraries, as well as promotional best practices from a recent nationwide survey of librarians. Our speakers will walk you through 12 keys to digital content promotion success.

Social Media Analytics: What to Measure and Why (Techsoup for Libraries) Don’t know where to start when planning your social media metrics? Join us to learn the best methods to measure your library’s social media outcomes. During this event, you will learn how to establish measurable goals, identify key performance indicators (KPIs), and understand how to evaluate your social media results.

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