In addition to the live webinars in our training calendar, each month we try to pick some videos out there that you can watch “At Your Leisure.” These on-demand offerings caught our attention for January:
Intro to Podcasting (Podcasting 101, Part 1) (Wyoming State Library)
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What’s a podcast and why should I have one? Learn about how to start your own podcast for your museum or library and find a whole new audience outside your walls for your programs and collections. Cameron Green, technical producer of the Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum’s “Saddle Lore,” will discuss the basic technology needs for starting and web hosting your podcast. Skye Cranney, cohost of the Idaho State Historical Society’s “Behind Gray Walls,” will discuss how to build consistent content. Learn about budget, technology, production, and more in this informative session, the first of a two-part series.
Thinking about Race, Voting Rights, and the Past: People, Moments, and Documents (Federal Depository Library Program)
“Research is like archaeology” – Prof. Fuentes-Rohwer has done research in many libraries and archives (the Library of Congress, presidential libraries, the Dirksen Congressional Center, and academic libraries) for the book that he is completing on race and voting in the United States. Central to the story of the book are the Voting Rights Act and the Freedom Movement. Prof. Fuentes Rohwer will talk about his research, sharing stories about historical figures in the Freedom Movement and his research uncovering Government documents that are central to his work. Ms. Morgan will provide information on historical and archival resources used for researching U.S. Congressional documents, judicial case records, and archival collections.
Building a Fundable Strategic Plan (EveryLibrary Institute)
EveryLibrary’s executive director John Chrastka will share actionable insights from nearly 100 library funding campaigns about inclusive planning, and uncover what data drives successful strategic plans to build political and social support for funding libraries.
Personal Planning for Professional Development (Montana State Library)
Training is important in any job but especially in libraries because libraries are always moving on the cutting edge of transformations. Libraries react endlessly to technology changes, social needs, community interests, political climates and (as we have recently discovered) local, national and global crises. As the Montana State Library launches the new Strategic Track to support veteran library staff, this session will help library directors and those who are looking to advance their careers in librarianship to understand the direct relationship between the training you choose, the work you do, and the success of your library’s programs and services. The new Strategic Track for MT State Library Certification supports a model for planning training that is customized to the needs of the learner and the library where they work.