Online Training ‘At Your Leisure’

May 4, 2021

In addition to the live webinars in our training calendar, each month we try to pick some videos out there that you can watch “At Your Leisure.” These on-demand offerings caught our attention for May.

Rethinking How We Measure the Impact of Libraries
A nuanced discussion that reimagines how we measure and communicate the impact of libraries today and in the future.

Storytelling for Justice: How Libraries and Archives Hold History to Account 
(Andrew W. Mellon Foundation)
Mellon Foundation President Dr. Elizabeth Alexander led a wide-ranging conversation with Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla D. Hayden, UCLA Professor/Project Director, Million Dollar Hoods Dr. Kelly Lytle Hernández, and Liberatory Memory Worker and PhD candidate of the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University Jarrett Martin Drake. Panelists discussed how libraries and archives are both empowering underrepresented communities and advocating for increased representation of marginalized stories and experiences in our country’s historical record.

Avoid Risk: When blocking on social media and the First Amendment intersect 
The pandemic has accelerated the pace of digital transformation shifting the need for social media from nice-to-have to must-have. And while there are undeniable benefits to social media, you also face unique challenges with First Amendment violations, managing trolls, blocking users, and moderating interactions. Learn how to establish a strong social media governance model that can help optimize risk management and mitigate inherent risks that come with having an online presence in 2021.

Communication Mistakes Only Really Really Smart Or Busy People Make 
(Pattern Research)
Intelligent busy people sometimes cut corners when it comes to workplace relationships. Are you a degreed professional, devoted scholar and researcher, or just a superior smart cookie? You might have been rewarded for brilliant ideas, big grants, and amazing productivity, but not so much for getting along well with others. Now that no one wants to be part of your team, what will you do?

Small Business Administration Resources for Public Libraries 
(Montana State Library)
Learn about the resources available to public libraries from the Small Business Administration.

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