In addition to the live webinars in our training calendar, each month we try to pick some videos out there that you can watch “At Your Leisure.” These on-demand offerings caught our attention for April.
Genrefying the Small School Library (Association for Rural and Small Libraries)
Do you work in a school library setting? Are your students browsing the fiction section aimlessly, only to pick out the same books every time, or grab something at random? Maybe genrefication is the solution! This session will provide insight into the processes, pitfalls, and payoff of genrefying a small school library. Big Talk From Small Libraries Conference Recording.
Small Staff, Big Personalities – Managing Conflict in a Small Library (Association for Rural and Small Libraries)
Small libraries often have small staffs. There are many positives to having a small staff–everyone knows each other, they work closely on projects together, and they work in close contact. All of these positives can be turned into negatives when a personality conflict arises. The conflicts in a small library get magnified, and unless they are addressed quickly, they have the potential to spiral out of control and move the library away from its central mission. This lightning talk will examine a personality conflict at a small regional academic library and the steps taken to address the conflict using cultural awareness, asset based strengths, library programming, and coaching/mentoring. Big Talk From Small Libraries Conference Recording.
Media Literacy for Adults: Meeting Patrons Where They Are (Programming Librarian)
People who need media literacy skills may not be eager to sign up for a program or class on the subject; in fact, they may not know their skills are lacking at all. In this webinar, Kristen Calvert of the Dallas Public Library and Amber Conger of Kershaw County Library in South Carolina will cover how library workers can meet the needs of their adult patrons and how to incorporate media literacy practices in existing programs and at the reference desk.
Embracing Risk-Friendly Learning (InfoPeople)
Research shows clear benefits for children who have the opportunity to engage in risky play such as play at great height, high speed, around dangerous elements (water, trees), including rough and tumble play, and/or with the ability to disappear/get lost. A few of those associated benefits are a decrease in depression and anxiety, better competence with perceiving and assessing risk, and better physical health, self‐esteem, social competence, and conflict resolution. This workshop will focus on risk‐friendly learning: what it means, the research behind it, how to support it in your library, and why it is important for children and youth experiences.