Online Training ‘At Your Leisure’

Apr 5, 2023

In addition to the live webinars in our training calendar, each month we try to pick some videos out there that you can watch “At Your Leisure.” These on-demand offerings caught our attention for April.

Big Talk for Small Libraries 2023 Conference Recordings (Nebraska Library Commission)
Recordings of the February 2023 conference are now available. Sessions include “Expanding Access to the Arts with a Library Artist-in-Residence,” “Using Technology to Cope with the Workload,” “Effective Staff Evaluations Made Easy,” and many more!

Native Stories, Native Peoples: Opportunities for Library Engagement (WebJunction)
This webinar recording highlights opportunities for libraries to connect their communities to accurate and respectful information, fostering understanding and support of Indigenous peoples past and present. Resources for learning about treaties, Tribal Nations and lands, as well as insights into the experiences of Native communities today will also be shared. With a better understanding of these distinctive histories and cultures, library staff can promote learning and knowledge, support engagement with Native issues and peoples, and better serve all individuals in their community.

Working with Tweens: What’s up with these “in-betweeners”? (Colorado State Library)
Do you have 9–12-year-olds who visit your library? Are you interested in this age group and wonder how to make their library experience positive for everyone? Would you like some practical advice on interacting with tweens? In this session, gain skills and knowledge to become equipped, excited, and empowered to better serve this fun age group. Learn about typical tween development, collect tips for positive interactions with tweens.

Artificial Intelligence in Schools: Allow or Prohibit? Ethical Considerations for Educators (edWeb)
With the arrival of ChatGPT on our students’ laptops and in our classrooms, educators are grappling with the ever-increasing use of artificial intelligence in schools. Whether writing an essay or lab report, conducting research, working through a math problem, or building a presentation, students now have access to learning aids that challenge the very definitions of “learning,” “original work,” and “plagiarism.” What boundaries do we set? Does “zero tolerance” toward AI’s use by students make sense if we are preparing them for the future world that they will live in? This session helps build your awareness of the ethical issues raised by AI use in schools and empowers you to ask questions in order to make well-informed and ethical policies for the adults and students in your school communities.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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