Online Training ‘At Your Leisure’

Dec 5, 2023

At Your Leisure standing graphicIn addition to the live webinars in our training calendar, each month we try to pick some videos out there that you can watch “At Your Leisure.” These on-demand offerings caught our attention for December.

CSL in Session: Supporting Students with Invisible Disabilities in the Library Classroom (Colorado State Library)
In this session, the presenter will give a brief overview of invisible disabilities, neurodivergence, and ableism, then discuss ways to support disabled students in library classrooms. They’ll frame discussion from the perspective of the social model of disability (which argues that disability is the product of a society that is not set up to be inclusive) and will explore some of the ideas offered by Universal Design for Learning (UDL,) a well-established method of providing access to disabled students in educational settings.

The Future ELA Classroom Is Here: Using Generative AI to Improve Writing Practice, Feedback, and Revision (edWeb)
With an intentional approach, AI can help students achieve more writing practice and growth this year. In this edWebinar, Dr. Troy Hicks and Andrew Schoenborn provide strategies for using generative AI tools that can increase your impact as a teacher and be integrated into instructional moves.

Parallel Primary Sources for Enhancing STEM Experiences (Library of Congress)
Success in STEM fields requires flexibility and problem-solving. This interactive session will focus on strategies to help students examine primary sources from multiple perspectives. How can students identify different perspectives from which a single primary source may be examined? And how can examining multiple sources with different perspectives add to their understanding of a topic? We’ll demonstrate a number of related strategies and provide materials and time for participants to reflect on how they may be used in their STEM classes.

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