Open eBooks Available to K-12 Students from Low-Income Families

Mar 9, 2016

Logo_EbooksOpen eBooks makes thousands of award-winning and popular electronic books available to K-12 students from low-income families. Access is via an app, and that app is now available for download to mobile devices. Educators, including librarians, may register to receive codes, PINs, and a letter to share with students’ families. Once set up, students access the eBooks via the app on their personal or parents’ smartphone or tablet or via school or library-loaned devices.

School, libraries, and other organizations that work with kids from low-income homes are eligible. You may be eligible if you can answer yes to any of these statements:

  • At least 70% of the children I serve come from low-income families
  • I am a teacher, school employee or representative of aTitle I or Title I eligible school
  • I work with a program primarily serving children of military families
  • I work in a classroom or with a program primarily serving children with disabilities
  • I represent a USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Meals Site
  • I represent a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
  • I work at a school or library branch that has an E-Rate of 90%

This is taken directly from the First Book website. If you decide that this program is for you, or you need more information about it, the links provided below will take you to the websites of Open eBooks and First Book. Share this information with administrators and staff to determine how to take advantage of this opportunity.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Paige Bredenkamp, Wyoming State Library school library consultant at 307-777-6331 or

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