People News

Apr 17, 2019


Megan Bratton, Natrona County Library’s newest Youth Services Specialist, recently moved to Wyoming from Denver, Colorado, where she lived for the last ten years. She’s a big fan of the mountains and arid climate of the west after growing up in humid North Carolina and going to college at the University of Georgia (go dawgs!). Before working at the library, Megan worked in tech and marketing. She also earned her MLS from the University of Denver, and she is very excited to finally be putting to use everything she learned in grad school. She is constantly impressed by the innovation happening in public libraries, and she’s ready to be part of piloting them into the future.​

Teri Wiblemo is leaving the Riverton Branch Library to join the creative team at County 10 News. She worked as the Adult Lead Librarian for the library and was the marketing and public relations go-to person. “Teri and I have worked side-by-side for 10 years,” said Branch Library Manager Shari Haskins. “She gave us her most creative spirit and brought much-needed humor and super-positive energy. We will greatly miss her.” The Riverton Branch Library is part of Fremont County Library System.

After 22 years, Janet Maez is retiring from the Sweetwater County Library System. She began as a substitute librarian in 1995 performing duties for the bookmobile, outreach services, and circulation. She eventually transferred to a circulation position at the White Mountain Library. Several years ago she moved into Technical Services where she assists with processing, acquisitions, and cataloging. She has enjoyed working for the library system, thanks to the atmosphere and people. In retirement she looks forward to being in the mountains or a beach, relaxing with family and reading books. (Now she’ll finally be able to do what people think librarians do all day.)

Kristi Wallin has been selected as the new Laramie County Library Foundation Director. Born and raised in Wyoming, Kristi brings years of philanthropic expertise to the library. After beginning her career in Washington D.C. working for U.S. Senators Al Simpson and Malcolm Wallop, she returned home to Wyoming where she began working for the University of Wyoming Foundation. During her time at the university, she served as the Annual Fund Director and as a College Development Officer. Following nearly a dozen years at UW, she spent ten years serving as the state director for US Senator John Barrasso. Before coming to the Laramie County Library Foundation, she worked on Governor Mark Gordon’s campaign and 2019 inauguration.

Judy Armstrong, will retire in June after 21 years as the Sheridan County Public Library System’s Outreach Department/Homebound Services Manager. She also works part-time in the Wyoming Room. She’s been with the library since 1994, beginning as an intern, and working as clerk/shelver before moving into her current position. Her job took her outside library walls to meet the needs of countless elders and shut-ins in the Sheridan area. In 2016, she was the recipient of the Wyoming Library Association’s Outstanding Librarian award for her work with the Senior Outreach program. “My dream, as a child, was to be a librarian,” Judy said. “It doesn’t get any better than to have had one of those lifelong visions come true and to have had fun doing it!”

Jessica Cosgrove is the new Office Support Specialist at the Wyoming State Archives. Jessica will split her time between the reading room, providing reference to the public and working on guides and social media, and scanning state documents as part of the Archives’ State Imaging Center. Jessica received her Masters in Library and Information Science from Simmons College in 2017, and her B.A. in journalism from the University of Montana in 2011. Most recently, she has been working for Ancestry on a digitization project at the Montana Historical Society. Prior to that, she has worked at the Boston Museum of Science and she has held archival internships at the Salem National Historic Site, the Boston Globe, the Peabody Essex Museum Phillips Library, and several New England newspapers.



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