People News

May 15, 2019


Associate Dean Lori Phillips is retiring from the University of Wyoming Libraries at the end of June after over 25 years at UW. She served as Associate Dean of Libraries since 2003, including a year as Interim Dean of Libraries. Over the years, she’s worked in a variety of roles, serving as a librarian, teacher, mentor, colleague, and administrator. In 2017 she was the recipient of UW’s Milstead Distinguished Librarianship Award.

Jim Honour portrait

Jim Honour retired from UW Libraries at the end of April. Jim served since 2008 as the Regional Medical Library Liaison for Wyoming as part of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. In his role, he worked closely with librarians and health professionals across Wyoming to provide information and outreach about the National Library of Medicine.

Shannon Smith was named to the 2019 Husky 100, a prestigious honor awarded to University of Washington graduates and undergraduates. Shannon is a graduate student pursuing her MLIS online while working as a library specialist at the University of Wyoming, and is the first MLIS Husky 100 recipient. She is also one of the first online students across all three University of Washington campuses to be recognized with this distinction.

Liz Palmer is Sublette County Library’s new Youth Services Specialist. Liz came from Albany County Public Library and loves to write poetry, make costumes, and enjoys reading YA sci-fi and graphic novels. She’s excited to meet and work with teens and kids in Sublette County. Liz replaces Ana Cuprill who said farewell to the library after 15 years of service.

This June, Vicki Riley will retire from the Sweetwater County Library System. She has been with the library system for 39 years. She began in public services at the Rock Springs Library and then transferred to youth services at the White Mountain Library. In 1992 she was promoted to be the Youth Services Manager at the White Mountain Library, a position she has held ever since. Vicki has loved her position at the library and will miss sharing her love of books and reading with the children of Rock Springs. She hopes to travel more and read more once she retires.

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