People News

Sep 8, 2016


Rachel Casey

Rachel Casey

Rachel Casey, the manager of the Riverton Branch Library children’s department has been hired at St. Stephen’s School as their librarian. Her last day at Riverton was August 27. “We are going to miss Rachel terribly! ” said Gloria Brodle, branch manager. “She was the driving force behind so many of our children’s programs. You could see the special love she had for early childhood literacy. Rachel was always enthusiastic and fun to work with. We’re all sorry to see her go.” Rachel implemented Saturday and evening story times to better reach out to working parents and wrote numerous successful grants to bring better programming and services to her department.

Sandy Medvigy

Sandy Medvigy

Sandy Medvigy is returning to Hot Springs County Library as the new youth services librarian. She will be conducting Story Time, Lego Club, and special activities for the young ones at the library.

Kimberly Harper

Kimberly Harper

This is Kimberly Harper who works at Rock Springs Library. Kimberly has been a part of the Youth Services Department for about five years. When it comes to working at the library, Kimberly says, “I love reading books to kids — it’s my favorite thing to do.” She is currently reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone with her children.



Sue Hurd with the new children’s library quilt.

Sue Hurd with the new children’s library quilt.

After six years at Hot Springs County Library, Sue Hurd’s last day at the library was September 2. She will be moving to spend more time with her family. Sue was the youth services director, a job she said was a great creative outlet that never gave her a chance to get bored. She said she had a fabulous time working with the wonderful children and parents in Thermopolis and will miss them.

Lisa Pierce

Lisa Pierce

Lisa Pierce is the new Front Desk Supervisor at Hot Springs County Library in Thermopolis.

Alaina Henderson

Alaina Henderson

Meet the staff! Alaina Henderson has worked at the Sweetwater County Library in Green River for about 4 years and is currently reading When Hope Prevails by Janette Oke. Her favorite thing about working at the library is interacting with the people.

Diane Roccabruna

Diane Roccabruna

Diane Roccabruna is the young adult librarian at Rock Springs Library. She has worked at the library in the youth services department since 1998. Diane is currently reading Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon, a young adult novel that is a Soaring Eagle Award nominee.


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