People News

Jan 3, 2017

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Lida Volin

Lida Volin has worked for the Natrona County Public Library for 40 years in January! The library is holding an open house in honor of her many years of service on Wednesday, Jan. 11 from 3-6 p.m. on the 1st floor of the library at 307 E. Second St. in Casper.


Jeannette Woodward

Jeannette Woodward is now serving as interim director of the Fremont County Library System until they are able to hire a permanent director. She may be reached at or(307) 206-3104.


Janet Maez

Janet Maez works in Sweetwater County Library System’s technical services department, cataloging books and library materials before they make it to the shelves to be checked out. She has worked for the library system for 19 years. What does Janet like most about her job? “The atmosphere, the people,” she said. “I also love solving problems, and that’s a big part of my job.”



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Jennisen Lucas

Jennisen Lucas is running for the position of treasurer of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL). Lucas is a library media specialist for Park County School District 1, overseeing Clark, Parkside, Southside, and Westside Elementary Schools. She’s been an active member of the Wyoming Library Association School Library Interest Group (SLIG) and is currently co-chair of both SLIG and the Information Power planning committee. She has served as a Wyoming Delegate to the AASL Affiliate Assembly for three years, has served on the AASL Standards and Guidelines Implementation Committee, and is the L4L Liaison for Wyoming. AASL


Karen Saari

Karen Saari is Sweetwater County Library System’s collection development specialist in charge of selecting and ordering books for the library system. She’s worked for Sweetwater County Library for 11 years. “I love spending my whole day around books and my wonderful co-workers,” Karen said.


Trista Smith

Trista Smith has worked at Sweetwater County Library in Green River library for almost two years. “My favorite thing is working with the patrons,” she said, “and when children from Story Time recognize me outside of the library.” She’s currently reading 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman. She also recommends that kids check out the American Girl book series.



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