People News

May 12, 2016



HumansSteve Rzaza, who works in technical services at Johnson County Library has a new book just out. For Us Humans is a science-fiction novel with a dash of alternate history. It takes place in 2016, but assumes that aliens arrived on Earth 15 years ago. Of local interest, of course, is that the theft referenced in the introduction takes place at the University of Wyoming art museum, and the bulk of the story’s action takes place in Buffalo.

Melinda Soto

Melinda Soto

Powell Branch Library wished “Farewell and good luck” to Melinda Soto and welcomed public services manager Courtney Suko.



Lisa Thomas

Lisa Thomas

Weston County Library’s circulation services librarian, Lisa Thomas, completed the Library Support Staff Certification through The American Library Association Allied Professional Organization program.


Desiree Saunders (r) with Gov. Matt Mead.

Desiree Saunders, Wyoming State Library’s WYLD support team – systems librarian, marked 20 years with the State of Wyoming as a WSL employee recently.


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