Plan for Virtual Library Legislative Day May 2-3

Apr 21, 2016

nlld-banner_1Virtual Library Legislative Day is part of the American Library Association’s (ALA) National Library Legislative Day, held each spring in Washington, D.C. This year, National Library Legislative Day will be May 2-3 in Washington, D.C., but you can participate virtually even if you can’t make the trip to Capitol Hill.

Virtual Library Legislative Day activities will be held throughout the week of May 2-3, 2016, and will be an opportunity for all library advocates to make their voices heard on a national level. Library advocates who cannot make it to Washington for the event can be a part of the effort by calling and/or emailing their elected officials on May 3, or any time the week of May 2-6. Visit this web page in late April for talking points to include when writing or calling your legislators.

United for Libraries, the ALA Washington Office, ALA’s Chapter Relations Office, and the ALA Office for Library Advocacy lead Virtual Library Legislative Day.

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