Planning for Library Spaces

Aug 18, 2016

Converse County chairs

Moving in at Converse County Library in Douglas.

This year, we’ve seen the Johnson County Library open a beautiful expansion. Right now, Converse County Library in Douglas is relocating from its temporary digs to its just-completed new main library building. And Sundance Elementary is starting the school year in a new school with a new library.

Every library should have a long-range plan to ensure adequate and appropriate space for the services its community will need. This might mean an expansion or a new building, or it might simply mean working to rearrange the space you have to make room for a teen room, makerspace, or expanded computer services. Whatever your space planning needs, there are resources out there to help you meet them. Here are a few we’ve corralled:

There are many space planning titles in the Wyoming State Library professional collection. Search WYLDCAT for resources, or contact WSL School Library Consultant Paige Bredenkamp at or (307) 777-6331 for help.

More questions on library space planning? Our library development office can help. Contact Interim State Librarian Jamie Markus at or (307) 777-5914.


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