Recommended Reads for Rodeo Season from GoWYLD

Jul 25, 2022

Cowboy riding a bucking bronc at a country rodeo AustraliaCheyenne Frontier Days, the “Daddy of ’em All”, is taking place all this week. Does rodeo season have you wanting to add a Western to your stack of reading this summer? GoWYLD can help!

Check out Books and Authors at, under Recommended Reading, to find titles in Western fiction from Louis L’Amour and Zane Grey to C.J. Box, William W. Johnstone, Craig Johnson, and Anne Hillerman. Click on Western fiction on the left side and then select a specific category, such as American Civil War, ghost story, mystery, or mountain man. You can also do an author, title, series, or keyword search. Once you find some new titles, head on over to your local library catalog or Libby to find a copy to read.

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