Report Highlights Academic Library Contributions to Student Learning

May 23, 2017

From the Association of College and Research Libraries

Through a new report issued by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), Academic Library Impact on Student Learning and Success: Findings from Assessment in Action Team Projects, the higher education community now has compelling assessment findings that tell a strong story about the multiple ways that academic libraries are contributing to student learning and success

Positive connections between the library and aspects of student learning and success in five areas are particularly noteworthy:

  1. Students benefit from library instruction in their initial coursework.
  2. Library use increases student success.
  3. Collaborative academic programs and services involving the library enhance student learning.
  4. Information literacy instruction strengthens general education outcomes.
  5. Library research consultations boost student learning.

Learn more and read the full report. The executive summary is available as a separate document, formatted to share broadly with campus stakeholders.

The ACRL is a division of the American Library Association.

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