Resources for National Reading Group Month

Oct 1, 2021

Cartoon style image of young man and woman reading while sitting on stack of big books. October is National Reading Group Month, an initiative of the Women’s National Book Association for “Sharing the joy of shared reading.”

You can find book club resources, book talks and book discussion guides in Novelist Plus, a reader’s advisory resource available in

The book club resources, found under Quick Links on the top navigation bar, include a variety of book club articles. Titles range from, “So You Want to Lead a Book Discussion,” “Not Your Father’s Westerns,” and “True Crime for Your Book Club.” There are also 159 book discussion guides covering a variety of genres. These guides include a summary for discussion leaders (or to help readers decide if it’s the right book for them), read-alikes, and discussion starters.

There’s more information for book clubs by going to the Especially For tab at the top, and selecting Reader’s Advisory. Scroll down to book clubs to find links to Tips for Starting a Book Group, Book Group Innovators, and But My Book Club Doesn’t Read (historical fiction, romance, horror, etc.).

You can also find books from the home page. Search by title, location, plot, character, or use the Recommended Reading Lists. Novelist provides descriptions, reviews, including a link to Goodreads, and two ways to get to other books: Read-Alikes and Search for More. You can even browse “I’m in the mood for books that are…” These themes include “Fast paced and plot driven,” and “Creepy and suspenseful,”

Find Novelist Plus by going to and selecting from the Browse Databases By Title or under the Recommended Reading subject area.

Novelist Plus is available in Wyoming libraries and remotely with your Wyoming library card number and PIN. For more information, contact your local library or Chris Van Burgh, Database Instruction Librarian at the Wyoming State Library,

Want to hear more? Chris will be doing a program at the Wyoming Library Association conference, “ For Book Clubs.” The program will cover Novelist Plus and Culturegrams and the ways they can help library staff and patrons with their book groups, book discussions, and book talks.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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