Learn More About WLLI
The Wyoming Library Leadership Institute exists to provide opportunities for learning, mentoring and developing leadership skills to promote the personal and professional growth of the Wyoming library community.
WLLI is a tool for nurturing both degreed and non-degreed individuals in leadership roles. It’s not a workshop on becoming a library director or a workshop on library administration.
WLLI History
The Wyoming Library Leadership Institute began in 2001. View the history of the Wyoming Library Leadership Institute, and see lists and photos of graduates of previous institutes.
We have been very lucky to have trainers from the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) Professional Training, Jep Enck of Enck Resources, Fort Collins, Colorado, and Larry Yatch, a Retired Navy SEAL and Team Performance Expert (SEALed Mindset Leaders) as part of our institute. All have brought their expertise and creativity.

Application Information
When the application period for the next cohort is announced, individuals associated with all types of libraries (academic, public, school and special) are invited to apply.
Trustees, support staff, paraprofessionals, library media specialists and librarians are eligible (trustees must have at least one year remaining in the term of his or her appointment at the time the institute is held). Your leadership role in the Wyoming library community is not based on job title.
The application process is competitive. Those attending are encouraged to take future committee and leadership responsibilities in the Wyoming Library Association (WLA), WYLD Network, educational committees and other library initiatives.