Six Fundraising Opportunities for Small Nonprofits

Mar 14, 2017

Sometimes fundraising for a small library’s foundation or friends group can seem overwhelming. Wild Apricot has put together a list of ideas specifically for smaller nonprofit organizations. In his guest post, Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation, writes:

[su_quote]A challenge I’ve come across with small nonprofits is finding a fundraising idea that will make a big impact, but will also be inexpensive. From my experience, there are six types of fundraisers that successfully meet both these criteria.[/su_quote]

The full article is well worth the read for all the details, but here’s a quick summary of the magical six:

  1. Raffles: Simple and inexpensive. If you do a 50/50 raffle, you don’t even risk the cost of purchasing a prize.
  2. T-shirts: Not only do they raise money, they promote your cause when people wear them out in the community.
  3. Crowdfunding: An online option. Pick a platform and spread the word through social media.
  4. Matching gifts: Who can resist a two for one deal? Double your fundraising with minimal effort. If you’re still raising funds for the Wyoming Library Endowment Challenge, be sure to promote it.
  5. Walkathons: Easy to plan and a high rate of return.
  6. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Engage your existing donors to solicit funds on your behalf.

Learn more on the Wild Apricot Blog.

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