Space Planning Guide for Libraries

Nov 23, 2020

Cover of "Library Space" planning guideThe Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) has released Library Space: A Planning Resource for Librarians, a guide to planning new or reconfigured public library spaces. This resource creates a formal set of best practices for designing library space that may be applied to libraries across the nation.

A Zoom session to explain the document and how it can be used will be held on December 10 from 11 a.m. to noon MST.

The guide gives librarians, administrators, space planners, and architects tools for the planning and design of public library buildings. It takes the user through the step by step process of determining what to consider when designing a new library for their community, and includes illustrations of different room types, adjacencies, shelving, and seating that can be considered for a building project.

Download the guide and plan to attend the Zoom session on December 10.

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