WSGS Interactive Maps

Photo from the National Park Service, accessed June 5, 2020.
Want to dig deeper into the geology of Yellowstone National Park? Check out this new digital map from the Wyoming State Geological Survey:
- Geology of Yellowstone – An interactive map that presents geological data from the Yellowstone National Park area.
Geological mapping in the digital age uses digital representations of the surface and the underground. Geological maps show the distribution of geologic features, including different kinds of rocks and surficial deposits. These maps are the primary source of geologic data in the earth sciences, and have immense economic and societal value. The interactive features allow users to customize specific features and layers.
See more WSGS Interactive Maps here:
- Ground Water Atlas of Wyoming – An interactive method to investigate the most relevant basic public groundwater data.
- Interactive Oil and Gas Map of Wyoming – This interactive ArcGIS Online map emphasizes Wyoming’s oil and gas fields, hydrocarbon reservoirs, and associated infrastructure.
- Mines and Minerals Map of Wyoming – This interactive ArcGIS Online map emphasizes Wyoming’s oil and gas fields, hydrocarbon reservoirs, and associated infrastructure.
- Wyoming Geologic Hazards Map – This ArcGIS Online map offers an interactive method to investigate geologic hazards data.
To access all maps, scroll to the bottom of the record and click on “Online Access.”