Spotlight on NLM Resources

Jul 23, 2012

From the University of Wyoming Libraries

Spotlight on NLM Resources – Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 1:00 -Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Resources -Health disparities in the LGBT community are significant. There is a high prevalence of suicide and homelessness among LGBT youth; lesbians and bisexual females are less likely to be screened for cancer; elderly LGBT individuals can be isolated and lack access to social services creating barriers to health care; LGBT populations have the highest rate of tobacco, alcohol and other drug use.
In this Spotlight! session, presented by Dana Abbey, Colorado/Health Information Literacy Coordinator, learn about important health issues for the LGBT community; understand specific health concerns for LGBT populations; and know about authoritative, culturally competent health information resources.

Taking the one-hour class and completing the exercises and class evaluation makes you eligible to receive 1 Medical Library Association Continuing Education credit.
This online training is FREE.
Equipment: connection to the Internet and a phone
Login: as a guest with your first and last name. Instructions to connect to the audio will show up once you’ve logged in. Captioning will be provided.

Jim Honour,  MLIS
Wyoming /Member Services Coordinator
National Network of Libraries of Medicine
MidContinental Region

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