Summer Learning Resources from Wyoming PBS

Jun 9, 2021

Keep those kids and teens learning over the summer and beyond! Wyoming PBS has a number of programs and resources for fun and exciting K-12 learning.


NatureWY brings the great outdoors and science learning to 6- to 8-year-old children throughout Wyoming. The program is a partnership with Science Kids. Beginning in July, weekly five-minute videos will capture Science Kids in action during Science Kids summertime classes. Supplemental, online lesson plans will be available. Visit the PBS Teach Wyoming Facebook page for up-to-date information about this digital series.

WyomingPBS LearningMedia

PBS and PBS KIDS can help teachers and families create fun, engaging, and educational experiences that will help kids learn about the world and themselves. Here are a few favorites.

Early elementary learning (preK-grade 5)

PBS LearningMedia Summer Camp Collection
PBS has pulled together resources from some of kids’ favorite PBS KIDS series and other sources to help you quickly execute fun, engaging, hands-on activities that spark kids’ curiosity and learning.

Avideo-based day camp for kids in grades K-6 which includes resources from partners like the New York Public Library, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Wildlife Conservation Society, the Memphis Zoo, and more. (Developed by WNET/Thirteen.)

More PBS KIDS Resources
With funding from the Department of Education’s Ready to Learn initiative, PBS, CPB, and member stations across the country created and tested an array of learning experiences for young children and their families.

Middle and High School Grades (6-12)

PBS LearningMedia Summer Learning Collection
This collection of videos and activities encourages students in grades 6-12 to spend the summer asking questions, creating, and building critical skills and knowledge.

PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs 
This is a national youth journalism program and public media initiative that trains teenagers across the country to produce stories that highlight the achievements, challenges, and reality of today’s youth.

Want more?

For more information on Wyoming PBS Education opportunities contact Carol Garber, Wyoming PBS Education Coordinator, at

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