Summer Site Visits Take WYLD Training to Libraries Across Wyoming

Oct 12, 2023

Cori Hundley, and Shantry Miller

(L to R) Cori Hundley and Shantry Miller

During the summer months of July through September, two members of the WYLD Support Team, Systems Librarian Cori Hundley and Bibliographic Services Librarian Shantry Miller, took to the road again to continue training library workers and answering questions at several libraries and institutions throughout the state.

Their July trip took them to Southwest Wyoming where they visited with Green River Library and White Mountain Library in Sweetwater County, Uinta County Library in Evanston, and the Lincoln County Library in Kemmerer. In August Shantry took a solo trip to Johnson County Library in Buffalo, Sheridan County Library and Sheridan College in Sheridan, and the Greybull Branch Library in Big Horn County. In September, the Wyoming State Archives and the Platte County Library in Wheatland were the last recipients of the summer-long training schedule.

Shantry Miller providing training

Shantry Miller provides training at Greybull Branch Library in Big Horn County.

During their site visits Shantry and Cori encouraged library staff to ask questions on the many topics that were covered which included bibliographic records, call numbers and items, SmartPort, serial control records, MARC holdings records and WYLDcat (Aspen). A popular topic that multiple libraries expressed interest in was recirculating cards and Cori was able to explain how they work.

If you have questions on topics concerning your Wyoming library, WSL staff are always ready to assist. Visit our staff page or contact our service desk at or (307) 777-6333 to be directed to the appropriate person. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if we may help!

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